Efficiency l (secondary voice perspective)
I really want to get into a habit of writing in this blog as a collection of thoughts so that I can look back at my ideas over time and how they evolved. There are only 24 hours in a day. Though it may seem like a lot, it really goes by fast. At least 1/3 (8) of the 24 hours is spent sleeping/resting. On days of working a job you spend another 1/3 of your day working. That leaves the last 1/3 of your day to do whatever tasks you may need to do. I'd say that my prioritization skills could improve along with better multi-tasking. It's good to take breaks after x amount of work. It's also good to recognize what counts as a break and when you deserve a break . The way I like to think of it is you earn your rest, aka your sleep at night. Put in work daily so that you're tired enough to 'pass out' at night or whenever your time of slumber is. As extra motivation and as important as sleep is, one extreme way to think of it is "I can rest when I'm dead....