
Showing posts from March, 2017


My sensitive skin. Wishing it was smooth and soft Like a baby's bum. This is a haiku which I wrote this morning and 'performed' in class today. I know that it's quite the cliche,  but I wrote it in reflection of the current state of my face: Inflamed.   I don't normally write haikus, but it is something in which I've always wanted to write more of.  But anyways, my face is red hot & burning again. Why? Well, I think it originated from the excess intake of carbohydrates which I consumed yesterday for lunch; AKA Sushi, with a hella lot of rice.  Followed by playing basketball in the first time in forever, sweating may have not helped the cause. Followed by eating the left over sushi + some baby biscuits. Then I  felt it  and  saw it;  I began splashing a bunch of things on my face, including the aloe vera mask you see me wearing in the picture below. That prob...

Sleep Attire

Today I learned that it could be potentially harmful in the long run to wear tight(ish) clothing to bed such as long johns. Reason being is because it could hurt your fertility, since your 'area' needs to breathe. So if you ever find yourself with your hands in your pants when you wake up, or you're ever itchy down there, this could be why. Just saying :) PSA of the Day. Yeah, I've been wearing Long Johns almost everyday in the winter season, even to bed. (This is not me in the picture) > After further research and a few more clicks, other pages and studies suggested that sleeping  naked is beneficial for the long run because of your body temperature. I guess if you get cold then you just gotta pile on those blankets or turn up the heat? 😉

4:45AM MAR 22

N- play me never, give up my chain never, give up my pride never, show my pain never, dirt on my name never. Currently I am sitting in the waiting room of the hospital after a scare with my mother reacting to prescribed antibiotics. She felt discomfort and tightness in her body almost immediately after taking the pill. This was at 10:45PM, right before heading to bed. My mother called my aunt who was a nurse, then called EMT. Shortly afterwards we were picked up in an ambulance and driven to the hospital. The ambulance ride was aight, nothing special, & definitely not the first time I've been in the back of an ambulance. Although usually I'm the one who is the patient. I sat with my draw string bag on my lap. I made sure to bring my laptop to write this post, along with three poetry books I've been meaning to read, my rosary, my cellphone, and my only working pair of headphones (my hyperX Cloud 2 gaming headphones). Unfortunately I forgot my notebook, so I miss...

Message of the Day

Sunday March 19, 2017 Mic glances outside the push-to-start car window only to see his 'right hand man' squatting and posing by the side mirror. Today I attended mass @ 8:30AM which I normally go to. However, today, a fellow altar server named D had to read because the lector was MIA (missing). D seemed to be really nervous, as if it were his first time speaking in front of an audience. It made me wonder if I ever sounded like that before. I also thought of who could possibly be the lector who missed their appointed time. Well woopty doo, guess what. About 3 hours after mass, I checked the calendar connected to my phone only to find out that I was that lector . I put it on Google calendar a few weeks prior, along with setting the following notifications to remind me: 1 day 12 hours before 1 hour before Unfortunately and for whatever reason, I did not receive any alarms or notifications, causing me to miss my scheduled readings.  Perhaps I s...


We all have our habits, they shape us into who we are.  Seeing as I am an aspiring self-motivated individual, I am truly aware of my habits; although not everything I do leads to the outcomes I want. Below I will list out all the habits (good and bad) I have & habits I should pick up/ revive. Current Good Habits: -Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every morning -Eat enough food/servings everyday -Eat healthy food everyday (fruit/veggies, nutrients) -Exercise (almost) everyday -Stretch (almost) everyday -Document any thoughts -Keep up good hygiene (brush teeth, shower, shave, deodorant, etc.) -Check phone only every so often, phone no longer carried in pocket -Pray the Rosary every night Bad Habits: -Watch too many YouTube videos (uneducational/uninformative/strictly entertainment) -Play video games which I have played numerous times before, learning nothing new -Annoy my mom -Stay in bed once already awake -Pick at face -Scratch face ...


Mindfulness. Don't let too much of yesterday take up too much of today.